non-fiction inspirational

15 books.


Everything Happens for a Reason: And Other Lies I've Loved

by: Kate Bowler
Ave. Rating: 3.75
Pages: 178
Year Published: 2018
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"This is a great, balanced set of reflections from someone with terminal cancer. She examines the way her community responds and her own emotions and spiritual journey - the good and the bad. It was hard to read - especially as a mother imagining myself in her place - but worth it. I need reminding that suffering is a part of our human, (and Christian), experience. It doesn't need to be ignored or explained away. It is what it is. Bowler writes from the midst of her treatment with a perspective that is realistic but somehow hopeful too. "
- katelynn

Love Does: Discover a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World

by: Bob Goff
Ave. Rating: 4.29
Pages: 224
Year Published: 2012
Date Read: 08/05/2020
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Another Place at the Table

by: Kathy Harrison
Ave. Rating: 4.2
Pages: 242
Year Published: 2004 (2003)
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You Are the Girl for the Job: Daring to Believe the God Who Calls You

by: Jess Connolly
Ave. Rating: 4.32
Pages: 256
Year Published: 2019
Date Read: 10/31/2019
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Prophecies Of Pale Skin

by: D.S. Phillips
Ave. Rating: 4.51
Pages: 372
Year Published: 2013
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Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead

by: Brené Brown
Ave. Rating: 4.25
Pages: 287
Year Published: 2012
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The Moment of Lift: How Empowering Women Changes the World

by: Melinda French Gates
Ave. Rating: 4.3
Pages: 273
Year Published: 2019
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"I forced myself to read this (using my random book-picking method I use for audio), but I am so glad I did! I read it in two days and really devoured the content.

I was amazed by Melinda Gates' humility and wisdom. I feel so inspired! There's so much in here to chew on and process."
- katelynn

How to Eat, Move, and Be Healthy!: Your Personalized 4-Step Guide to Looking and Feeling Great from the Inside Out

by: Paul Chek
Ave. Rating: 4.29
Pages: 255
Year Published: 2004
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The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business

by: Charles Duhigg
Ave. Rating: 4.11
Pages: 375
Year Published: 2012
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Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program That Works

by: Evelyn Tribole
Ave. Rating: 4.19
Pages: 304
Year Published: 2003 (1995)
Date Read: 01/29/2020
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The Nesting Place: It Doesn't Have to Be Perfect to Be Beautiful

by: Myquillyn Smith
Ave. Rating: 4.05
Pages: 208
Year Published: 2014
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"Although I certainly don't love the author's personal design aesthetic, this book gave lots of helpful tips and important reminders for the overall philosophy of designing your home. I was inspired over and over again. Lots of the tips I've already been doing and this book just gave me affirmation - especially for things I just have no idea if it's "okay" to do.

I'm excited to read the next book - Cozy Minimalist!"
- katelynn
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Share Your Stuff. I'll Go First.: 10 Questions to Take Your Friendships to the Next Level

by: Laura Tremaine
Ave. Rating: 4.12
Pages: 224
Year Published: 2021
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Jesus and the Disinherited

by: Howard Thurman
Ave. Rating: 4.51
Pages: 102
Year Published: 1996 (1949)
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