
15 books.

Trail of Broken Wings

by: Sejal Badani
Ave. Rating: 4.02
Pages: 370
Year Published: 2015
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A Fall of Marigolds

by: Susan Meissner
Ave. Rating: 4.06
Pages: 370
Year Published: 2014
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The Thorn Birds

by: Colleen McCullough
Ave. Rating: 4.23
Pages: 692
Year Published: 2002 (1977)
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by: Jem Lester
Ave. Rating: 4.11
Pages: 313
Year Published: 2016
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by: Yaa Gyasi
Ave. Rating: 4.46
Pages: 305
Year Published: 2016
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"My reaction to this book is summed up in a jaw drop. That's how I felt pretty much the last third of the book, like my jaw was on the floor. This story is beautiful and sweeping and heartbreaking and so much to process! It will leave you changed. This book reminds me of The Invention of Wings - not in content, but in the way I know I will be thinking about it for years to come.

I highly recommend the audio version."
- katelynn
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The Pearl That Broke Its Shell

by: Nadia Hashimi
Ave. Rating: 4.15
Pages: 452
Year Published: 2014
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The Architect's Apprentice

by: Elif Shafak
Ave. Rating: 4
Pages: 432
Year Published: 2015 (2013)
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by: Jeffrey Eugenides
Ave. Rating: 4.01
Pages: 529
Year Published: 2003 (2002)
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by: Daryl Gregory
Ave. Rating: 3.91
Pages: 399
Year Published: 2017
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The House by the River

by: Lena Manta
Ave. Rating: 3.84
Pages: 546
Year Published: 2017 (2007)
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by: Ann Patchett
Ave. Rating: 3.82
Pages: 322
Year Published: 2016
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